Featured Projects

Small Town Living at its Best

Our Vision Statement

E S T A B L I S H  S A Y R E  A S  A  R E G I O N A L  H U B  F O R  R E C R E A T I O N ,
E D U C A T I O N , H O S P I T AL I T Y , A N D W E L L N E S S .

Invest in Sayre

opportunity abounds

Existing anchors and amenities which generate daily trips in and to the downtown, are the foundation for which to build development opportunities. There are many potential locations for retail and residential development within downtown Sayre. 

Living in Sayre

It’s all about location

Nestled in the Penn-York Valley, Sayre’s historic beginnings as a
railroad town, its existing medical community, and its dynamic
downtown district set it apart from other cities. Surrounded by the
natural beauty of the valley, Sayre’s walkability, wellness and
education systems, and local gastronomy foster a strong sense of
home, health, and happiness.

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